The role of galectin-4 in physiology and diseases
Graphical Abstract
Galectin-4, a tandem repeat member of the β-galactoside-binding proteins, possesses two carbohydraterecognition domains (CRD) in a single peptide chain. This lectin is mostly expressed in epithelial cells of the intestinal tract and secreted to the extracellular. The two domains have 40% similarity in amino acid sequence, but distinctly binding to various ligands. Just because the two domains bind to different ligands simultaneously, galectin-4 can be a crosslinker and crucial regulator in a large number of biological processes. Recent evidence shows that galectin-4 plays an important role in lipid raft stabilization, protein apical trafficking, cell adhesion, wound healing, intestinal inflammation, tumor progression, etc. This article reviews the physiological and pathological features of galectin-4 and its important role in such processes.